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Delivering our investment strategy


Focussing where we have competitive advantage

Our long history and relationships

We will focus on sectors where we have a competitive advantage based on our long history of investing, our depth of understanding and our relationships.

  • Real estate
  • Energy
  • Late stage private equity

Working with outstanding management teams

  • Reputation and experience in their sector
  • The ability to access exceptional opportunities
  • To execute those opportunities and deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns

"Hard to Access” assets – giving the opportunity for wealth creation through nurturing and careful management

  • At the smaller/medium end of their respective sectors where pricing inefficiencies allow attractive entry pricing
  • Assets will likely to require a level of management attention which larger funds and pure financial investors are less able to support
  • Opportunities not available through larger funds and not generally too management-intensive to be accessible to most family offices or high net worth investors

Influence and information

  • Controlling, or influential minority positions with board or investment committee representation
  • Full information rights

Co-investment partners

LMS has had a philosophy of bringing co-investors along

The company will build a small network of partners who will invest in its deals alongside it. Potentially, for every £1 invested on the LMS balance sheet, a multiple could be sourced through its co-investment program.

Co-investment partners

LMS has had a philosophy of bringing co-investors along

The company will build a small network of partners who will invest in its deals alongside it. Potentially, for every £1 invested on the LMS balance sheet, a multiple could be sourced through its co-investment program.